
About Us

利记sbo的马尔堡STEM中心是所有K-12 STEM(科学)的中心枢纽, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) initiatives and activities on campus, with a strong emphasis on creativity, innovation, and inclusivity. 

We focus on three key areas: community engagement through K–12 educational programming; fostering educational collaboration between 利记sbo students, staff, and faculty; and developing industry connections to help bridge the gap between education and practical application.

Located within the A. Alfred Taubman Engineering, Architecture, and Life Sciences Complex, the Marburger STEM Center at 利记sbo has been operating since 2016. STEM中心在校园和当地社区提供一系列富有想象力和综合性的项目. 

Vision Statement

通过扩展传统的科学学科,增加对STEM和设计职业感兴趣的学生人数, technology, engineering, and mathematics to include subjects such as architecture, information technology, computer science, health care, robotics, the technological humanities, and many others.

Mission Statement


Meet our Director


Jay Jessen

Marburger STEM Center

E jjessen@hellotakwu.com
P 248.204.2662

詹森将近二十年的高等教育经验带入了他作为马尔堡STEM中心主任的角色. Prior to joining 利记sbo, 他曾担任“勇士成功”的讲师和教学设计师, 这是韦恩州立大学伊里奇商学院的一年级研讨班. Concurrently, 他在商学院的各种项目中担任学术顾问, including global supply chain management, information systems management, and entrepreneurship and innovation. 他还在密歇根州多所公立和私立大学担任招生和招生管理方面的多个职位. Beyond higher education, 他拥有为汽车制造商和一级供应商招聘人员的专业经验.

他持有西密歇根大学地理学学士学位,辅修环境科学. 他还获得了韦恩州立大学学习设计和技术的教育硕士学位. Currently, he is pursuing a Doctorate of Education.

利记sbo,杰森最初于2021年8月加入STEM中心担任助理主任. Since then, he assumed the role of Director. 杰森和他的团队与K-12教育工作者和管理人员密切合作,为学生创造引人入胜的教育体验. 杰森的主要目标之一是使尽可能多的K-12学生能够通过STEM和设计教育探索令人兴奋和充实的职业机会.

Meet our Program Coordinator
& Summer Camps Manager


Carl Grolle

Program Coordinator
Summer Camps Manager

E cgrolle@hellotakwu.com
P 248.204.2665

Grolle将于2024年5月从利记sbo获得生物医学工程学士学位. 他与马尔堡STEM中心的旅程始于2021年11月,担任学生大使, progressing to Lead Student Ambassador, Lead Student Assistant, and now holding the position of Program Coordinator. Passionate about hands-on STEM education, 格罗尔希望激发人们对下一代STEM创新者的兴趣.

Currently, Grolle also serves as the Summer Camp Manager at 利记sbo, 在那里,他和他的团队精心策划了校园里各种各样的暑期节目. He ensures a vibrant and enriching experience for camp participants, offering a unique blend of educational and recreational activities. 这个职位允许Grolle运用他的领导技能来创造一个引人入胜和鼓舞人心的环境, fostering a love for STEM disciplines among the campers.

His commitment to STEM education dates back to high school, 在那里,他通过社区外展活动和指导小学团队为FIRST机器人公司做出了贡献. Eager to continue this impactful work, 格罗尔设想通过马尔堡STEM中心培养一个从事STEM学习的社区.

Marburger STEM Ambassadors


大使的范围从一年级学生到研究生,来自多学科的学术项目. 大使们通过培训学习STEM和设计外展节目的概念,并有机会根据他们的学术专业和兴趣创作节目.

你是利记sbo的学生,并且有兴趣成为利记sbo STEM大使吗? Let us know.



Transportation Design

Hi there! 我叫Gavin,我在利记sbo学习交通设计. I spend most of my time on campus working hard for my classes, 通过我的兄弟会Sigma Phi Epsilon在校园发挥积极作用, 并通过我作为STEM大使的职位让学生接触STEM! Some of my favorite pastime activities include painting and drawing, playing soccer, and spending time with my adventurous dog, Tuxedo!



Interior Design

Hello! 我叫Madi,我在劳伦斯理工学院学习室内设计. 作为国际室内设计协会(IIDA)的学生大使,我在校园里非常活跃,尤其是在室内设计项目上。. I spend most of my time in the interior studios, fulfilling my role as a Resident Assistant, or working for the STEM Center. Outside of my responsibilities, I enjoy activities such as playing soccer, baking, hanging out with my friends, and surprisingly cleaning!



Mechanical Engineering

Hello, my name is Giovanni but I usually go by Gio. 我目前是利记sbo机械工程专业的一名本科生. A fun fact about me is that I played hockey for about 14 years. Now in my free time, I like to play golf. 我总是对问题敞开心扉,当有人需要帮助时,我随时可以提供帮助. My #1 priority is to make sure everyone has a good time learning!



Biomedical Engineering

Hello! My name is Zavier and I am Studying Biomedical Engineering. 我在校园里是一个活跃的学生,是男子足球队的一员,在AAC辅导. I love technology, math, and medicine. 我喜欢结合教育的这些方面来设计医疗解决方案. I enjoy helping others explore the world of STEM, and encourage others to be curious to make new discoveries.

Annual Reports

Each year, 我们自豪地庆祝马尔堡STEM中心对我们的使命和愿景的承诺所取得的成就, and to our local community. 到目前为止,我们已经取得了许多关键的里程碑,并为K-12外展创造了许多利记sbo记录. 这是一项具有挑战性但很重要的工作,如果没有Marburger STEM中心团队的奉献精神,就无法完成, including our incredible student ambassadors, as well as support from 利记sbo campus community.

每个年度报告都突出了我们教师的合作努力和成就, students, staff, and the entire Southeast Michigan community.

我们衷心感谢整个社会一直以来对利记sbo Marburger STEM中心的支持!

The 2022 Annual report will be posted soon.